Well ... in case you didn't know, Totes Cray Cray is the teenage girl code for Totally Crazy.
I think.
Anyways, that pretty much sums up things for the last year or so.
Last April my husband and I went on a trip to Ireland, came home and I had a major surgery, then I spent the summer recovering, went to Disneyworld on a family vacay, came back started school and I seem to have been trying to just maintain since then.
The truth? I actually completely forgot about my blog. It started out that I would come back and blog once I got all the laundry caught up.
Guess what.
Never happened.
I've come to the conclusion that it's not going to anytime soon.
And then the other day I was reading Mrs. Troop's blog and I realized that everyone was leaving her comments on facebook, but none on her actual blog.
So I decided to log in and leave a comment. I'm considerate like that.
But guess what.
I forgot my password.
And the truth is that I honestly wasn't for sure about anything at that point. You have to log in with an email address, and the correct password and then you have to correctly input the little code at the bottom. I couldn't remember for sure which email account my blog was on, I couldn't remember for sure exactly how my password went (which letters were capitalized, what order the numbers were in, etc), and then I honestly wasn't for sure if the reason that my email and password didn't work was because I got them wrong, or I just couldn't figure out what the code was at the bottom of the page to input correctly.
So last night, the dog threw up.
I know.
It's one thing to be up in the middle of the night for throwing up kids. For the dog, a COMPLETLY different thing. Bright side? I'm at least not concerned that we have the throw up virus.
So after getting everything cleaned up, I couldn't go to sleep.
But I remembered my password!!!!
So here I am, writing a post just so that another year won't go by.
And I apologize because that was 5 minutes of your life that you won't be able to get back.
I promise the next one will have some sort of content. Or pictures. Or a recipe.
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
My Kids Learned A New Word
From me.
That's right.
It wasn't one of those words that I really preferred that they hear. It was more of one of those words that you would use in high school or college, but once you have little ones, you decide that it's not something your really want to hear coming out of a toddler's sweet little mouth. And so you make a conscious effort to guard your tongue.
And yet, I said it.
Right in front of all of them.
The kids were sitting at the table and I was helping them with some math. My sweet baby girl walks into the room, puts her head on my lap, and proceeds to throw up all over me. And my clothes. And the floor.
Was my word justified? Maybe. Maybe more appropriate had it come from the other end.
Oh well.
(If it makes you feel better, Mom, it was the C word not the other one)
(If it makes you feel better, Mom, it was the C word not the other one)
Monday, May 20, 2013
Thankful for the Plates
So someone was asking me the other day how things were going. I explained that I really feel like life is kind of chaotic right now.
I compared it to feeling like each area in my life is a plate that I'm keeping spinning. When everything is going just right, I can do just fine. But when things start getting rough or someone gets sick or things are not going like I planned, I feel like I could just drop all the plates at once.
I won't bore you with an unabridged list of all my plates but it would start out with laundry, homeschool, cleaning the house, kids, being a good wife, .... you get the picture.
I've decided since it really isn't an option for me to drop the plates, that I really need to focus on how thankful I am for each one. Because even though everything seems crazy and chaotic and I feel like I can never fully get my jobs done, I am so grateful for the children who make it crazy and chaotic and keep me from every fully getting anything done.
In the midst of everything it's hard to picture that one day it will just be me and my man again. And I'll probably be spinning a whole different set of plates.