Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am dedicating this Thankful Thursday to my friends and fellow mothers who are in the trenches every day....

Thanks for all the sleepless nights, when you got up to feed babies, change diapers, take care of fevers, hold a coughing child, administer medicine, administer dry sheets, calm a bad dream, or just rub the back of a sleepless child, when you put your children's needs above your own .....

Thank you for all the endless laundry you wash and fold and put away... no one appreciates you more than a fellow laundress.....

Thank you for all the meals you fix for your family.... 3 times a day.... 7 days a week.......

Thank you for all the times that you didn't leave your child when they have been whining and screaming and crying all day and driving you to the brink of insanity.......

Thank you for every diaper you have changed, every bodily mess you have cleaned up ,every backside you have wiped, every fingernail and tonenail you have clipped, every nose you have cleaned.........because that is really just true love.....

Thank you for all the toys you have picked up, organized, put away, thrown away, given away and stepped on......

For all the days you have been overworked, overwhelmed, overtalked to (you know, when every sentence all day long in the house starts and ends with mom) , stressed out, tired out, put out, strung out (from all those sleepless nights), and wigged out,.... I appreciate you,.... because you are still in the battle, still fighting the good fight, and still hanging in there............

Thank you especially for all the times you have taken a minute from your busy, crazy schedule to stop and encourage a fellow mother in the trenches to keep on keepin on, to persevere through another long day, to live more, to love more and to laugh more, to find God's love, peace, kindness, gentleness, self-control, patience, goodness and joy in every day and in every situation......

I am thankful for YOU this Thursday!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We Had A Merry Christmas

We took a 2 day tour of the states between Georgia and Oklahoma and came home for Christmas. We had a great time but were only actually in OKC for 3 1/2 days. We then traveled to Missouri and spent 1 1/2 days there and then headed back to the peach state.
It really wasn't enough time to see anyone but family,
but we enjoyed the time we had.
Here are some of my favorite pics for your enjoyment.
Ya just can't get everyone to smile at the same time!

My siblings and the kids(once again there is the token non-smiler)

My parents and the kids

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shout Out To Christopher

Hey Christopher!
My mom said I could add a post to her blog to say Hi
to you now that your mom is reading my mom's blog.

So, how are you doing?

I will really be your best friend forever!
Last summer I accepted Jesus as my Savior
and I got baptized!

I'm going to AWANAS and am learning lots of verses.

Maybe I could tell you some when I see you.
My mom says to tell you that the cd at
really helped me learn my verses! (It was worth the money!)

I started taking violin lessons and I can play 5 songs but
I really want to play a rock and roll guitar when I'm 8!

I also love playing with matchbox cars!

I love fishing and riding my bike.
I just started playing Upward basketball and
I love it the most.

This is a picture of me in my backyard in Georgia.
It has a big hill and I love it!

I hope I can see you next time I'm in Oklahoma!
Your best friend forever

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Where Are My Super Sleuth Skills When I Need Them?

So while I was fixing supper, my 5 y/0 runs down carrying a metal measuring tape with blood all over it and there is blood all over his hands and he is crying, telling me he cut himself. So I clean him up, all the while looking for this gash that has caused all this blood. I ask him where it hurts and he points to a bloody place and I wipe it and nothing... Soon both of his hands are clean, no cuts and no blood anywhere else...

So what do I do? At this point my Nancy Drew skills should have kicked in and I should have called Bess and George and got to the bottom of the Bloody Hand Caper. But no, I have a headache, I am cooking supper, and I am just relieved that he in fact did not have a cut on his hand. What was I thinking? I guess I was thinking that if someone else had gotten cut, they would have been lined up right beside my 5 y/0 so I could fix them too.

Ten minutes later, my 3 y/o comes down stairs crying because she can't find something. That is when I notice both of her hands are covered in blood! For ten minutes she has been running around the house covered in blood and obviously not bothered by the cut or the fact that she is staining everything she touches (you can tell where my concerns are! ha!). Of course, once I mention that we need to clean her up and that she might need a band-aid, well she was completely convinced she was mortally wounded. Because the girl LOVES band-aids. So she ended up with 3 band-aids and I spent the next 20 minutes going around the house cleaning up blood.

Nancy Drew must have been getting enough sleep at night.

And that's all I have to say.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm a sucker for praise.... apparently

So for dessert tonight I was dishing up ice cream for the kids when...

6 y/0: That ice cream looks really good. If only it had sprinkles on it, you would be the best mom in the whole wide world.

So I know that is blatant flattery.... obviously... but I'm at the point where being the best at anything would be just great and if being the best mom in the whole wide world just for the next 5 minutes was my only reward.... well.... by golly... I gave that boy and his siblings sprinkles....every color sprinkle and then topped it with cool whip......and for the next several minutes I basked in the glory of being the best mom in the whole wide world.

The Children.... they are excited...

It has begun to snow.

The biggest flakes of snow I have ever seen. It is really quite beautiful! And it is starting to stick.

The kids are making plans,... plans for snow men, snow ice cream, snow ball fights, snow angels........

I will post pics if we get enough snow for any of it! :)

The Weathermen.... they are VERY excited

Apparently we are supposed to get 1-7 inches of snow today.

In Georgia.

People are getting excited.

They cancelled my 6 y/o's basketball game today in anticipation of the impending blizzard. Up until midnight last night (I went to bed after that) the news kept showing cameos of their army of snow road crew trucks (which incidentlly look brand spankin new) that are ready to take on the slick and dangerous streets at the first hint of snow. The "winter weather team" is positioned around our fair city as we speak to break news of the first signs of snow.

And yet, as of 9:30 this morning, we have no snow. Although the weather man reported that there is snow, it just hasn't reached the ground yet. Apparently it hasn't reached the lower atmosphere yet because there is no sign of snow.

I will keep you posted on the Georgia Blizzard 2008.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Funny Things They Said

Well, it snowed here in Georgia on Wednesday and they are saying it will snow again tonight and tomorrow. When I told the kids, my 6 y/0 said...

6 y/0: Mom, when we moved to Georgia, you and daddy told us it wouldn't snow here.
(he is my bringer of truth)
Me: Yep, that's right. It is very atypical for it to snow here.
6 y/0: Well mom, it's just God's plan.
(right you are child)

The other night at AWANA Cubbies our verse was "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed." Well, my 5 y/o just got a turntable to go with his Thomas trains and apparently he has wanted one his whole entire life because he has played with it every minute of the day since he got it. Last night, once I finally wrestled it from him and tucked him in bed he started sobbing.

5 y/o : (sobbing in bed)
Me: Baby, what's wrong?
5 y/o: Mommy, I'm overjoyed.... (more sobbing)
(I'm not for sure he totally understood the meaning)

Tonight at supper.

6 y/0: Mom, I'm going to be a Juicitarian.
Me: A what?
6 y/o: A Juicitarian.... I'm only going to eat juice... get it?
(oh my, it's going to be a loooong weekend!)

5 y/o: I'm SO hungry
Me: Babe, you have your sandwhich, why aren't you eating?
5 y/0: Because I'm waiting for the hostess to sit down.
(my, my, my,.... what a sweet and intelligent boy!)

And my 3 y/0, my dear sweet 3 y/o.... in a 5 minute span of time, she asked me no less than 30 questions! I KID NOT! How is that even possible?

Other random comments....

6 y/0: Mom, why does this flyer for Thomas trains show trains that we have but it says they are new?
Me: Well, they probably printed it a long time ago when they were new but they are still using the flyers.
6 y/o: You mean like when the Old Testament was written?

5 y/o: Mom, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
(this is a frequently asked question and I have not once been thinking what he was thinking)

It's a great life, verbally complicated, but great

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Cowkids

So I know you are dying to see the cowboys and cowgirls from Christmas.

They were cute!

But difficult to photograph.