Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. Thankful for good health. I've actually been having some health problems over the past several weeks. I've spent quality time with specialists and struggled to keep up with daily life. I'm finally feeling better and I must say that there is nothing like feeling bad for awhile to make you appreciate feeling good!

2. Thankful for flannel sheets. When it is cold, I adore my flannel sheets. And it's been cold!

3. Thankful for helpful children. There were several days when I wasn't feeling well that I spent most of the day laying down. My 7 year old made breakfast and lunch for everyone on those day. The kids also helped with extra chores around the house. It was truly a blessing.

4. Thankful for a helpful husband. I truly appreciate how helpful around the house my husband is. He jumps right in and helps me with the laundry, or the dishes or whatever else I'm behind on. He is such a servant and I am very grateful for him.

5. Thankful for a good vehicle. Between running the kids to swim lessons and violin lessons and going to Dr.s appointments I've spent a lot of time in the car the last few weeks. I'm thankful that it runs well, has a working heater, and that we don't have to walk or take the bus!

6. Thankful for good swim instructors. The kids have been taking swimming lessons and we have been so pleased with their instructors. They are very patient but also very thorough in what they teach. That has not always been the case in our experience with swim lessons.

7. Thankful for the rain. We've had lots of rain this week in Dallas. It's been cold, but we really needed the rain.

8. Thankful for Spring. I love spring. It makes me happy. I love the daffodils and tulips and my irises are getting ready to bloom. I think Spring is my favorite time of year.

That's all I've got for now. I hope you have a Thankful Thursday!


  1. Yeah! What a great list! I'm thankful for YOU, Dear Friend. Blessings on your weekend.

  2. I didn't realize you weren't feeling well lately! So sorry to hear that. Please keep us posted on your health. Let me know if you need anything!


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