Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Speaking of Bunnies.....

We've got Trouble.

Trouble that starts with T which rhymes with B and stands for BUNNY!

One, Two,
Three, Four,

and Five.
This one actually almost hopped right across my feet as I was taking pictures of the other four. He apparently has not a care in the world.
We believe these are actually the baby bunnies from a couple weeks ago.
I do believe we've got trouble!


  1. I still think you should have started a bunny farm. Or, maybe you did inadvertently start one. Just not one for profit. Bunnies make good gifts for little kids!

  2. That is so so funny! Because it's YOUR house. :-)
    Let me know what you decide to do. And please don't tell my eldest son. I won't even say what he would suggest. . .

  3. Lisa has squirrels that eat stuffed patio furniture. I restuffed the swing the first year and stitched it up with dental floss using the skirt for the patches. The next year, the squirrels attacked again. I am now considering using some of the stuffing for the squirrels. Would you like some for the bunnies?


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