Monday, December 21, 2009

Twas the night

I read this somewhere and thought I would share.

Although I think I would have kept the clone for just a couple days. :)

Twas The Night Before Christmas ... For Moms
by Ruth Carter-Bourdon

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the abode
Only one creature was stirring, and she was cleaning the commode.
The children were finally sleeping all snug in their beds,
While visions of Nintendo and Barbie flipped through their heads.

The dad was snoring in front of the TV,
With a half-constructed bicycle propped on his knee.
So only Mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter,
Which made her sigh, "Now what is the matter?"

With the toilet bowl brush still clutched in her hand,
She descended the stairs and saw the old man.
He was covered with ashes and soot, which fell with a shrug,
"Oh, great," muttered Mom, "now I have to clean the rug."

"Ho Ho Ho!" cried Santa, "I'm glad you're awake,
Your gift was especially difficult to make."
"Thanks, Santa, but all I want is time alone."
"Exactly!" he chuckled, "So, I've made you a clone."

"A clone?" she muttered, "What good is that?"
"Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit chat."
Then out walked the clone — the Mother's twin;
Same hair, same eyes, same double chin.

"She'll cook, she'll dust, she'll mop every mess.
You'll relax, take it easy, watch TV, and work less."
"Fantastic!" the Mom cheered. "My dream has come true!"
"I'll shop, I'll read, I'll sleep a night through!"

From the room above, the youngest did fret.
"Mommy? Come quickly, I'm scared and I'm wet."
The clone replied, "I'm coming, sweetheart."
"Hey," the Mom smiled, "she sure knows her part."

The clone changed the small one and hummed her a tune,
As she bundled the child in a blanket cocoon.
"You're the best mommy ever. I really love you."
The clone smiled and sighed, "And I love you,too."

The Mom frowned and said, "Sorry, Santa, no deal.
That's my child's love she is trying to steal."
Smiling wisely, Santa said, "To me it is clear,
Only one loving Mother is needed here."

The mom kissed her child and tucked her in bed.
"Thank you, Santa, for clearing my head.
I sometimes forget, it won't be very long,
When they'll be too old for my cradle and song."

The clock on the mantle began to chime.
Santa whispered to the clone, "It works every time."
With the clone by his side, Santa said, "Good night.
Merry Christmas, dear Mom, you will be all right."


  1. I love that one.
    We WILL be alright? Won't we? :-)
    Merry Christmas, my Dear Friend! Try very hard to enjoy every moment. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Such a sweet read. I've never heard that before. Thanks for sharing. Hoping your family has a wonderful Christmas.

    Yes, I edited some pictures. You could tell eh? :) I use picasa and sometimes picnik. I think those were just picasa though.

    Merry Christmas.

  3. That's a pretty good reminder. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey Girl:
    Sorry for posting this as a comment. My email address for you was returned. (AHEM) So I pasted my email here. (Ahem)
    How is that sweet baby? Thanks for your visit today.
    My camera was an ebay special. It was listed as a floor(so not refurbished or used technically) but handled as the model for sale. We were a little bit nervous but it came with a good warranty and so far haven't had the first problem.

    I went with a Nikon because Eric had lenses that were 15 years old mind you, but I was assured by our local wolf camera that they are completely interchangeable with the new digital models. He was right. Unbelieveable.

    So, when I researched the model I felt like the D80 was going to be just as adequate for me as the D90 and quite a bit cheaper. In other words, I think the D90 claims to do a few more things that are above my pay grade. Basically, I knew nothing when we bought this. Eric was into photography back in the day and sank some bucks into his NIkon 35mm. So he helped me get my feet wet with terms and things and from there I just read and read what I could find online.

    The lens that came with the camera is 18-55mm. The lens I used in the pictures on today's post is a 50mm 1.8. I love that lens. Its not typically one that they include in a camera package but this is one that he had from 15 years ago. THe 1.8 aperature opening allows me to get the background very very blurry.And also to shoot in somewhat dimly lit areas and still get good results. I can't do that with the 18-55 without turning on the flash and auto settings (Ugh.). But the 18-55 is great for wide angle shots, groups, close up shots where I'd like to get more than one face in the frame.We used the 18-55 for our Christmas pictures outside the white barn (I did an outtakes post on this before Christmas.) We also have a 70-210 which is fun for anything where you need to zoom or don't really want your subjects to be mindful of your presence.

    I hope that helps.

    Happy New Year. I miss keeping up more often but blogging hasn't been at the top of the list lately. I do miss it. But we're making good headway in school and I really want to be done before baby (MJ is due May 11) :).

    Hope to see you around.


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