Monday, November 15, 2010

I've decided that I'm not getting paid enough.

What's worse than having a kid throw up all over the entire span of your light colored living room carpet?

Knowing that you just gave that same kid a bag to throw up in 15 minutes before and then finding out that that same kid had apparently drank a copious amount of chocolate milk about an hour before because he thought it might make his stomach feel better.

Chocolate throw up.

We may have to get new carpets.

Happy Monday ya'll!

(any brilliant suggestions how to get partially digested chocolate milk out of the carpet?)


  1. Oh, Girlfriend. That's miserable. I'm SO So SO sorry. Wish I lived around the corner so I could bring over my awesome Hoover steam vac - it does a great job - we've tested it many times. :-)
    But when I didn't have it, I called the carpet cleaners. Asap.
    Praying for you. Quick healing. Lots of patience. And no more chocolate vomit. :-P
    Love ya, Friend~

  2. all i have to say is "OY!" i'm feeling your pain. i hope he feels better soon.


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