Thursday, January 13, 2011

Someone To Pray For

I was made aware of the blog, The Simple Wife, yesterday. I had never read her before. But her story is heartbreaking. Her husband has been updating her blog. She had a stroke on Tuesday. Clear out of the blue.

She's around my age, she has 2 girls that she homeschools, she's a Christian and a wife and a really brilliant blog author.

They had to cut part of her skull away yesterday because there was so much swelling.

Monday, she was just like me. Today she is lying in an ICU, completely sedated and they are not for sure what is going to happen on Saturday when she should wake up.

Please pray for her. She has been heavy on my heart.

It makes you totally reconsider everything you are thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That's very sobering. Thanks for sharing - I'll check it out.


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