Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Birthdays and a Baby

So, my sister and Mrs. Troop have both requested pics of birthday cakes. I'm just a little behind in posting them seeing as how one was in December, one in June and the last one a couple weeks ago.

But here they are.

And can I just preface in saying that I am not a professional so NONE of these had better show up on! :)

I'm just saying.

Okay, my daughter wanted a Pocahontas birthday. Actually she wanted to BE Pocahontas for her birthday. We studied about Pocahontas last year in U.S. history and I found a complete Pocahontas outfit at a garage sale (in excellent condition I might add) for $3 and she has been in love with the Indian Princess ever since. I think it has something to do with the fact that my girl is a nature lover and is most impressed that Pocahontas knows all the names of every animal in the forests.

Grandma and Grandpa made it down for the party and Grandma made Indian headbands for all of us! It was lots of fun!

I had much grander plans for the cake but this was all I had in me. Fortunately the birthday girl was thrilled!

My oldest turned 8 in June. Unfortunately for me, we had spent our "rest time" during the hottest time of our beach vacation watching cake decorating competitions. When asked what he wanted he specifically said "a fondant 3-tier topsy turvy cake in a bass theme".

Okay there, Bobby Flay.
I honestly wasn't going to do it. I mean, some people don't even have 3-tier wedding cakes.

But there was part of me that had really been wanting to try a topsy turvy cake. And I had just found a recipe online to make my own fondant.

So I gave in. I rationalized that if something happened to me in childbirth, that at least he would always be able to look back on his 8th birthday and know that his mama loved him enough to make a 3-tier fondant topsy turvy bass cake.

(it's truly amazing what one can rationalize when one is pregnant)

It didn't turn out absolutely perfect (topsy turvy is a little more ambitious than I was planning on) but he loved it.

The final cake was a Thomas cake. I have seen a kit online to make a 3-D Thomas cake and thought it couldn't be that hard. I have to admit, it was a little more tedious than I had planned. And the proportions were not exactly correct, but once again, the child was thrilled and for that moment, the world stopped and I was the best mom ever. :)

I still have the kit, by the way, which contains the plastic face and other parts, if anyone wants to borrow it.

As far as the baby goes, I'm about ready for her to be here. I think I've got like 3 more weeks but I'm not for sure I'm going to make it. Pretty sure my OB won't let me go ahead and be induced this Friday, but I'm thinking about asking!
I'm also thinking about investing in a Stadium Gal. If I could just get a good night's sleep, I think I'd feel better. But I keep having to getting up and then the baby wakes up and starts kicking and moving for the next hour and can I just tell you that it's awfully hard to go back to sleep when someone is kicking you.

Anyways, I also wanted to thank everyone who said a prayer for me last week. I think the shingles are clearing up and I'm starting to feel better.

And that's all I've got!

Have a Thankful Thursday!


    Girlfriend - as if I didn't already think you were the most amazing thing, ever, HELLO! Your kids are SOOOO blessed. :-)
    LOVE the cake pictures. LOVE them.
    You're crazy - and wonderful.

  2. This comment is way late. I saw your cakes a few days back and well girl, you're something!!! How do you do it?

    I just love all of them! Thanks for the beeyoutiful tip. My sis is expecting #5 and getting a lot of pressure to get the H1N1 twice for herself and once for all four of the other kids. She will welcome the chance to read about some alternatives. I am passing it along to her. Thanks.

  3. Awesome Cakes! Your daugher is so beuatiful. Thanks for showing the pics. Hope you get to feeling well soon. We are praying for a safe delivery.


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