Friday, September 4, 2009

Emergency Telegram

emergency telegram from Lone Star State STOP around 4 more weeks until baby is due STOP diagnosed this week with patch of shingles on my back STOP the adult re-occurance of chicken pox STOP which is only supposed to occur in adults over 60 and hardly never in pregnant women STOP great fun STOP actually, not so much STOP send help STOP send laundress STOP and a couple maids STOP send cherry slush from Sonic STOP and prayers for quick recovery and that this won't affect the baby STOP thanks much! STOP


  1. I can't tell if you're grinning or not as you write this. Bless your sweet heart! How unbelieveable. Praying for you and little one. Do you know what you're having?

  2. Jo, thanks for your prayers! We are having a girl. And I feel a lot better now (mentally) that my OB thinks that the baby will probably not be affected by the shingles. Just trying to keep my humor and joy in all situations. :) Sometimes it's hard to do!

  3. Will be praying for you. If I lived in the Lone Star state I would love to go to Sonic for you.

  4. I had Shingles in my 30's. So, it's not entirely and old persons illness! And you're right, it's not fun. But, I was not pregnant, which would make it even less fun. Sending prayers your way!

  5. SO glad you're feeling better as I read this. You always make me laugh! Even when we both feel like crying.
    Hang in there! :-)

  6. Lisa, at the age of 29, started medical school with shingles around her eye. No one mentioned her hair hanging over one side of her face. Good to hear you are doing better. Being over 60 has its advantages. I got a shingles shot and coffee an McDonalds cost 50 cents. Good luck!


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