Monday, February 15, 2010

And Even More

We woke up Friday morning to 12 inches of snow in the backyard! The kids were singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" all morning. It was amusing to say the least.
Sweet baby girl got to go out for a couple minutes. Probably the only time she would have an opportunity to wear her cute fuzzy pink snowsuit.
And I was able to get the kids to stop throwing snowballs, making forts and snowmen and snow angels for just a minute so I could take a group photo.

It was a fun treat for us to have that much snow in Texas. The best part was that the streets were not icy for very long and we didn't lose power. Hope everyone has been surviving the snow too!


  1. The global warming epidemic even spreads to the big state of Texas eh? We've enjoyed more snow this year than in three winters combined. So fun. Your kiddos are growing up and I love seeing pictures of the baby. I know ya'll are enjoying her. We can't wait for May to hurry up and come.

  2. Look at these beautiful pictures! :-) Sorry I missed this. Don't know what I've been doing. . .
    LOVE the kids altogether. How fun is that?


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