Monday, March 22, 2010

Sad Story, Happy Ending

Well, a couple weeks ago I dropped my camera.

My beloved camera that I adore. My beloved camera that I use just about every day. My beloved camera that my husband bought for me 2 years ago for my birthday.

I tripped, and I dropped it on the concrete and it busted the casing on my lens and messed up my camera body.

I almost cried.

My husband remembered that we had bought a 2 year warranty on it. The only problem was that my birthday was a week ago.

When we checked the warranty we discovered that we bought my camera a week and a day after my birthday.

At that point the clouds parted and a ray of sunshine shone down on me and I'm just sure I heard someone singing "Hallelujah!... Hallelujah!..."

It might have been my husband.

So we took the camera in with one day to spare and they sent it off with me hoping they would indeed repair it.

We picked it up this weekend and it's perfect. Everything is fixed. I'm so happy. And I kept singing a song in my head that I heard when we saw the Blue Man group.

Yes, I paid good money to take my husband to go see 3 guys with blue heads entertain us for his birthday one year. And I have to say, it was quite entertaining. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. No eternal value whatsoever. No intellectual curiously stimulated. Just pure entertainment.

So this is the song I've been singing. About my camera. I know, it's sad. But it's that little things in life that make me happy.

I so want her dress!

And I'm always going to carry my camera in it's case from now on!


  1. Oh - I'm crying with you on that. At both parts of the story. I will also be using my case always now. Thanks for the good reminder. So glad for you.

  2. You make me laugh!

    So glad that your camera is OK. :-)

  3. God is so good to us! Glad it all worked out for you!


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