Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

So much to be thankful for...

1. Thankful that the second round of antibiotics took care of my strep.

2. Thankful that none of the rest of my family got strep.

3. Thankful for my Thursday night Bible Study. We are doing Beth Moore's 'Living Beyond Yourself". It's a great study!

4. Thankful for my Thursday night Bible Study ladies! It's been so fun getting to know them all!

5. Thankful for the sunshine.

6. Thankful for a sweet violin teacher who is giving me a 10 minute lesson each week after my kids are done with theirs.

7. Thankful for my parents who came down to watch my kids so I could go to a physical therapy continuing education class. I had a great time away and the kids had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

8. Thankful for my husband! We've been married for 13 years this week!

9. Thankful for the willow blue KitchenAid Mixer that my husband gave me for an anniversary gift. Love it. Is loving an appliance wrong? Because if it is, I don't wanna be right.

10. Thankful that God is Good. All the time.

Happy Thankful Thursday!


  1. What a great list! I didn't get mine done, yesterday. :-(
    Happy Anniversary, Friend! You are such a blessing to me. When do I get to hear you play the violin? :-)

  2. I love reading your Thankful Thursday posts. They are so sweet! Miss you!

  3. Funny! I told my husband a few weeks ago that if God ever called us to a hut in Africa, the only worldly possession I had to take was my Kitchen Aid mixer!


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