Friday, April 2, 2010

It's all worth it

All the nights of interrupted sleep.
All the shirts that will forever have the faint stain left behind by spit up.
All the exhaustion.
All the outfits ruined by a blowout.
All the endless loads of laundry.
All the diapers and binkis and onesies and socks and burp cloths.

It's all worth it.
Besides my husband heard somewhere that your oldest son
is the one who will pick out your nursing home and your
youngest daughter is the one who
will come see you.
All our hope is in her.
It's so worth it.


  1. I LOVE the last picture. You could make cards with her on the front and sell millions. They all are so worth it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes. So worth it!
    I think you can count on her for the visits! :-)
    She is so beautiful, Friend!

  4. The third picture is absolutely precious. Just precious!!


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