Friday, April 16, 2010

And I thought I had trouble

So we took a road trip to my Grandpa's farm last weekend.

10 hours up. 10 hours back.

Loooooong trip.

But it was so beautiful and we had such a great time.

We usually see lots of baby animals around this time of year so when the kids ran in saying they found a nest of babies, I wasn't that surprised.

I was thinking along the lines of, "Big deal, it's probably a nest of baby bunnies and we've already got 3 and counting of those in our own backyard!"

But I was wrong.

They weren't baby bunnies.

They were baby armadillos!

There were 4 in the nest and the mama was a big ole gal who wasn't very happy to see us. After she took off, the kids got adventurous and Grandpa caught them a couple to hold.

We checked all the backpacks twice to make sure we didn't bring any back to Texas with us.

***disclaimer*** no baby armadillos were injured in the making of this blog post


  1. Great photos. We had such a good time. Can't wait to see all of you again.

  2. HAHAHA!
    Those are brave kids. :-)
    Glad they all stayed there - that wouldn't be my choice of pets.


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