Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm a sucker for praise.... apparently

So for dessert tonight I was dishing up ice cream for the kids when...

6 y/0: That ice cream looks really good. If only it had sprinkles on it, you would be the best mom in the whole wide world.

So I know that is blatant flattery.... obviously... but I'm at the point where being the best at anything would be just great and if being the best mom in the whole wide world just for the next 5 minutes was my only reward.... well.... by golly... I gave that boy and his siblings sprinkles....every color sprinkle and then topped it with cool whip......and for the next several minutes I basked in the glory of being the best mom in the whole wide world.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW.
    I think that's sweet. I take whatever I can get around here! You ARE the best mom in the whole wide world. Trust me!


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