Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am dedicating this Thankful Thursday to my friends and fellow mothers who are in the trenches every day....

Thanks for all the sleepless nights, when you got up to feed babies, change diapers, take care of fevers, hold a coughing child, administer medicine, administer dry sheets, calm a bad dream, or just rub the back of a sleepless child, when you put your children's needs above your own .....

Thank you for all the endless laundry you wash and fold and put away... no one appreciates you more than a fellow laundress.....

Thank you for all the meals you fix for your family.... 3 times a day.... 7 days a week.......

Thank you for all the times that you didn't leave your child when they have been whining and screaming and crying all day and driving you to the brink of insanity.......

Thank you for every diaper you have changed, every bodily mess you have cleaned up ,every backside you have wiped, every fingernail and tonenail you have clipped, every nose you have cleaned.........because that is really just true love.....

Thank you for all the toys you have picked up, organized, put away, thrown away, given away and stepped on......

For all the days you have been overworked, overwhelmed, overtalked to (you know, when every sentence all day long in the house starts and ends with mom) , stressed out, tired out, put out, strung out (from all those sleepless nights), and wigged out,.... I appreciate you,.... because you are still in the battle, still fighting the good fight, and still hanging in there............

Thank you especially for all the times you have taken a minute from your busy, crazy schedule to stop and encourage a fellow mother in the trenches to keep on keepin on, to persevere through another long day, to live more, to love more and to laugh more, to find God's love, peace, kindness, gentleness, self-control, patience, goodness and joy in every day and in every situation......

I am thankful for YOU this Thursday!


  1. (sniff)(sniff)
    That was so sweet - thank you!

  2. Yes, it has been snowing! It was kind of nice actually. And, I would love to come visit you guys in Georgia...but, I'm off to Thailand tomorrow! 80 degrees, here I come!

  3. So True! It's the hardest, toughest job EVER! BUT, it is the MOST REWARDING. I always say, "I'm living my life, long, dream, the one I've always wanted, but it can be SO hard!" I thank my sweet Lord for his grace and sufficiency.

    Love, Amy


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