Friday, August 8, 2008

I spy with my little eye....

A hummingbird.

This one has decided that our hummingbird feeder belongs to him.
I say him, it could be a her.
Who knows?
We'll go with him for now.

But he sits there and waits for other innocent little
hummingbirds to come take a drink then
he swoops in and attacks.

It has actually been quite amusing.
My kids are always giving me updates on the hummingbird wars.
And WHY in the world am I taking pictures of hummingbird wars?


Okay, I've got that out of my system.
Now back to packing.


  1. mean birds are always a "him". Its true.

  2. Wow, that post should have been rated PG, it looked blood shed was about to take place. Poor little birds. I guess since you're moving I'm going to have to invite those "nice" hummingbirds (the mean one can stay at your house!)over to my house. See the challenges I now have to face without my trusted, good neighbor :o)

  3. That's hilarious!
    Um, will you bring some of those beautiful flowers to Texas with you? Do you think they could survive the heat?

  4. Love the pictures!
    Although, I'm concerned that you are really going to miss how PRETTY it is there. But OH it will be worth it to have your family together, again!
    You can plant a tree or two! :-)


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