Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yee Haw Yippe Ki Yo Texas Here We Come

So we are in Texas!


  1. I'm so glad you made it to Texas!! We miss you already! MayMay said the other day, that you guys "were the best neighbors we had ever had" and I couldn't agree with her more. Your old house looks sad and lonely. But, I did get your cans taken care of and I'm keeping my eye on the place. Hope the move continues to go well.

  2. welcome back to blogdom. Don't get lost in your packing tape.

  3. Just tell me that you aren't a REAL Texan - that would break my heart.
    I am SO SO HAPPY to have you close, though.
    Hypothetically speaking, if something happens to one of us, we could actually BE there for each other! Yeah!
    Praying for the settling in.

  4. I know you are trying to get settled in - but I miss you!
    Can't wait to have you back in the blogging world.
    Love ya!

  5. Well, boy howdy! You're finally here! Glad to have you and sorry for the rain. We like it to be pretty when new families move in but our our plans sometimes get thwarted. :)
    Let me know what you need. Resturant ideas. School supplies. Etc.
    Glad to have you and, um, about that video. Uh. we don't really dress like that anymore. Just sayin'.

  6. We drove by the South Fork Ranch on our way home from Texas yesterday. Even though the house looks small by comparison to some of the new houses in the area, it is still an impressive place. Love that tree lined drive!
    That photo looks familiar!


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