Thursday, August 21, 2008


status update STOP all moved in to Texas home STOP boxes everywhere STOP "helpful" children everywhere STOP much unpacking and organizing left to be done STOP no chocolate to be found STOP otherwise things going well STOP send a home organizer STOP send low fat calorie free but still wonderfully delicious chocolate STOP send map to closest Sonic STOP send someone who would like to take some moving boxes out of our garage STOP will send next communication once I get house organized STOP sometime next year STOP


  1. Glad you guys have made it to Texas! No worries - I know you'll get everythin in order soon. You should be a pro at this by now :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Glad you are in your home...all together...under the same roof. I know you have alot of "helpers" so it should go quickly, right?

    Can't wait to see pics of your new house.

  4. I wish I were there to bring you popcorn!!! You'll get it all done and just think, you'll actually have a husband at home in the evenings to help. Now, that will be different. Send pictures!!! I miss the kids!

  5. How I wish I could help you. I love unpacking someone ELSE!!!! :) Hang in there.

  6. Wishing I could swoop down and rescue you! :-)
    I'm not much of a help to anyone, though. But I can PRAY! And I have! Hang in there - at least you're all together.

  7. What a cute telegram! Glad you are all together. Can't wait for updates on how it is going. :)

  8. Know things are crazy there, but looking forward to seeing an update, soon.
    With pictures, of course. :-)
    Happy Wednesday!


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