Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

So there are 2 reasons I do Thankful Thursdays.

The first is that it is easy for me to get caught up with the routine of life. I forget to take a pause and give thanks to my Heavenly Father for all the ways He blesses my life. I need to remember what I am truly thankful for. Sometimes they are big things and sometimes just the little things. It really helps my mindset when I realize how many things I truly have to be thankful for.

The second reason is to take areas in my life that are frustrating me and put a positive spin on it and turn it into something I am thankful for. For example, cleaning toilets... don't love it.... especially the boys' toilet..... but when I look at pictures of the toilets the bloggers from the Compassion trip were using, and that those are the toilets that the people who live there use all the time, suddenly I am thankful for windex and paper towels and my fine porcelin toilet that flushes.

So that is why it is important for me personally to set aside a specific day where I concentrate on things I am thankful for. Here is my Thankful list from this week......

1) My parents are coming to visit! I am so excited! They should be in town sometime today and the excitement in the air is palpable!

2) AWANAS Club. I LOVE this program. It gives my kids incentives to learn verses. My 6 year old can now say all the books of the Bible in order starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation. He also just committed Psalms 23 to memory along with a whole lot of other verses he has been working on over the year. What a wonderful way to hide God's word in his heart!

3) After reading all the Compassion blogs, I've really been so thankful for all my appliances. I take so many things for granted. Like the fact that I have 2 mixers, a small one and a big one. That I have some appliances I really only use for special occasions. I don't take my bread maker for granted because I make gluten free bread for one of my boys, but I appreciate it so much more now.

4) I'm thankful for conveniences I take for granted, like grocery stores and restaurants.

5) Friends who love me unconditionally and who encourage me to be a better wife, mom, and child of the King.

Well there you have it, nothing profound, but it helps my attitude tremendously! I am so blessed and have a lot to be thankful for!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
Paslm 136


  1. And let me add indoor plumbing and my new washer and dryer! And freedom to worship!

  2. Love it!
    I would have to say my WARM house today - with it icing outside. What a blessing to have everything we need, all within reach, to be comfortable and warm and full.
    Been praying for you!
    Love ya~

  3. I too love Thankful Thursday...I do miss a Thursday every once in a while...but it's a nice way to reflect! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Welcome LL's Mom and Dad! YEAH! So glad you're there for a visit. Have a fun time!

  5. Somebody's gonna have a birthday!
    Happy Birthday, LL!
    Love you, Friend!

  6. I hope you're enjoying your parents visit! I think I'm inspired to do a Thankful Thursday today.


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