Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Best Policy

While my parents were here they would pay the kids for chores and helping out. One morning at breakfast my dad passed a $1 bill to my 6 year old and told him thank you for doing a chore.

My son (who is saving for his first jeep, by the way) stared at the $1 and then passed it back to my dad and told him, "Thank you, but Grandma already paid me for that chore."



It was one of those moments where you think the kid might make it. That despite all my faults and weaknesses, that somehow, something good is getting through. And all my training and teaching might pay off.

Moments like these, where I see my child walking in truth, encourage me to keep fighting the good fight. I know he is only 6, and we've got a long ways to go, but I am encouraged.


  1. YEAH!
    It's always so encouraging to see them take a stand and do the right thing. WOW!
    And by the way, you are a great mom!
    Love ya!

  2. So wonderful! And I am liking the blog update!


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