Monday, November 12, 2007

Fashion Follies of the 6th Grade

So, this weekend I was flipping through a fancysmancy catalog and saw this.....

Are you serious? Is the flipped up collar on the polo really coming back in style? Because if it is I am all over it! Oh yes I am! Because this fashion wave rolled through our mid-west town when I was in 6th grade, and I was not cool enough to pull it off.

It's sad, but true.

I actually did wear my collar flipped up sometimes at home to impress my little sister and brother with my coolishness. And I would stand and look at myself in the mirror to see if I could get up the nerve to try it out at school.

But I just couldn't pull it off.

You see, in 6th grade, I was 6' tall and skinny as a rail. The closest 6th grader in height to me was a good 5 inches shorter. Many a time the boys would walk up to me and ask "How's the weather up there?" (looking back I think they were just intimidated by me but it sure is hard as a 6th grader to see that) My dad jokingly said I should tell them "It's raining" and then spit on them.

I never did.

But seriously considered a couple times.

So if the flipped up collar polo really and truly comes back, And it really is cool, I will so wear it this time around! And I know my kids (6, 4 and 3) will be so impressed with just how cool their mom is.
Because I am like, SO totally cool now.


  1. You so totally, like, CRACK ME UP! Wasn't it great growing up in the 80's? I remember feeling SO UNCOOL. Oh, wait. That was yesterday!
    Love ya, Friend!

  2. So I followed your lead, and perused (sp?) a half dozen of my favorite clothes catalogs online last night. Never been so depressed. As if it isn't bad enough that nothing looks "suitable" to me (am I THAT old?), the things that looked like they might sort of work were ferociously expensive! What is with that?

  3. And I just have to say (yes, I know, write on my OWN blog!), that I have given up on ever buying any shoes except from catalogs. It's useless to GO to a store, when they only have one of 753 styles of shoe in an eleven.
    However, I did find some cute shoes at J Jill. But hence, only up to an eleven! I don't know how you survive! Well, actually, since I haven't bought any "real" shoes (that aren't athletic) in about 3 years, I'm not sure how I survive, either.

  4. Yesterday I wore my black skirt and shoes to church. Are you surprised? Neither was anyone else. I just realized yesterday it's ALL I have for winter. I have two other Summer skirts, but NONE for Winter. What's a girl to do? I just kept telling myself (I'm reading this awesome book on modesty) that at least my clothes aren't detracting from the real me. Everyone has already seen them!


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