Tuesday, June 3, 2008

He's Their Guest

So my parents came to visit and they are currently in Georgia watching the kids while I flew down to Dallas to look for houses with my husband.

We spent all day yesterday looking for houses and are going to go again today.

Since my husband has been working in Dallas and living in this hotel for the last 7 months, I knew that everyone here knew him.

I just didn't realize that we had all become family.

Until this morning.

When we walked into the lobby to go to breakfast everyone started greeting him with smiles and calling him by name and saying "Goodmorning Mr. _____!"

And they were thrilled to meet me.

When we entered the dining room I'm sure I heard someone cue the music and the dining staff lined up and started singing "Be Our Guest". Okay, I jest. But if they had been singing that is what it would have been. I think the man who runs the dining area really wanted to hug me. He was THAT excited to meet me. My husband has become like family to him. Even the cook came out personally to see if everything was to my liking.

They even seated us at their best table! It was the only round one and it had 4 chairs.

They LOVE him here. It's sad really. They've all made him promise that he will come back to visit them once he gets a home here in Texas.

Hopefully we'll find something today!


  1. I will be praying that you can find a home soon.

  2. Have I missed something? Did you sell your house? Obviously something is going on. You are looking for a new one. That's AWESOME!!!! I'll pray that God will open your eyes to the perfect house for you guys. Have fun with your hubby!!!

  3. Happy House Hunting!

    It's just because people in Dallas are nicer :) They want y'all to live in Texas!

  4. Cracks me up! I had that song in my head all evening yesterday after we talked. Thanks for that! HA!
    Praying that you will find just the right house today.
    Enjoy your time together without the kids!

  5. hows the house shopping coming. I'm so excited for you.


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